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Facing Loss? Let Me Tell You about the Time Jesus’s Eyes Leaked

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

Today I read about the time Jesus eyes leaked. It’s the shortest verse in the Bible, comprised of 2 words:

Jesus wept.

There’s comfort knowing that our fully divine Lord experienced the same emotions He gave us. Not only did He weep, a few verses later tell us He was also angry.

I wonder about the myriad of emotions He felt in this moment…compassion for the mourners. sadness for their lack of hope & even anger that they didn’t take Him, The Word, at His word?

He told them that Lazarus would die SO THAT God would be glorified, & yet they continue to question The One with all the answers.

His patience is enduring, His love unending & in this moment, He’s like a parent at their wit’s end, wanting to force Truth upon the people so they’d fully see & hear.

But He doesn’t.

When The All-powerful One could’ve done anything to awaken them, He pauses in compassion.

He weeps with the weepers,

loves when love seems lost,

& wields power not to punish, but to reveal to the mourning bystanders that The Resurrection Life stands WITH them.

Now MY eyes leak…He loves us so much that He’ll not force belief upon us. He sometimes delays His delivery so we too will come to our wit’s end, sometimes at a dead end, so He can reveal resurrection life.

Blessed are those who mourn for they shall see God. Sometimes it takes loss to see The One Whom we need.

I don’t know what you’re facing, but I’ve got my own circumstances where hope seems lost, time feels short & the need for My Savior to do something expired months ago…& yet, I’m still here. You’re still here & our Sustainer is here, revealing Himself on a much deeper level than maybe we’d desire at times?

Hard moments are hardest in the cloudy middle when nothing is as it was & we can’t see a way to something new.

If we allow ourselves to go all the way to the end of fear, the greatest fear is death. But when we remember what Jesus did, death loses it’s sting & we become blessed mourners because we ‘re reminded that seeing God is just around the corner.

So whether we face life or death, there is comfort in knowing it’s ok to cry. Jesus wept with & for the people who lost Lazarus, & as Emmanuel, He is ever WITH us when we weep too.

1 SAMUEL 26:1-28:25

JOHN 11:1-54

PSALM 117:1-2

PROVERBS 15:22-23


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