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Faulty Faith is a Matter of Mental Proximity

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

I awakened to my alarm blaring at 4am this morning after a mere two hours of sleep. I find myself in a fluster as I rush to ready for the exciting day ahead. Despite the excitement, a wandering thought pierced the darkness & it was this:

“I cannot wait for normalcy to return, for consistency in my family, finances & future to settle...”

As I pondered what WASN’t, what WAS began to joy, peace & faith began to falter. This is what happens when our thoughts wander from the place the Lord has planted our feet. A disconnect between faith & feelings unfolds & suddenly we feel left in a mental scramble.

Psalm 92 was written to be read on the Sabbath day of rest & is a reminder that the godly will flourish like palm trees (regardless of season) for they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house! It promises that even in old age, they will produce fruit & remain vital & green!

It leads me to conclude that a lack of faith is simply a matter of mental proximity. Our feet are firmly fixed in the house of God, but He will not make our thoughts remain in that place of secure peace. 

The word “proximity” means immediate nearness in place, blood or alliance.

If we know Jesus as our Lord & Savior, then all 3 of these are true!

• PLACE | God transplants us to His courts 

• BLOOD | the blood of Jesus covers our sins so we can be in relationship with our holy God 

• ALLIANCE | Jesus’ Lordship is an outward expression of our covenant alliance with Him!

When we remember that we’ve been transplanted to the courts of our God, we can approach every day like a Sabbath day! We are in Him & He is in us...we have all that we need to produce fruit & remain flourishing even into our old age regardless of the seasons that surface.

Father, remind us this morning that faltering faith is simply a matter of mental proximity. Holy Spirit help us to return our thoughts to Your Word that says we are firmly fixed in Your Presence where we will remain vital & green until the day we get to meet You face to face!

💡JEREMIAH 42:1-44:23

💡2 TIMOTHY 2:1-21

💡PSALM 92:1-93:5

💡PROVERBS 26:3-5


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