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Fire Fails without Wood

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

“Fires go out without wood.”

That’s the Proverb I just read as the embers of a recent argument still burn warm inside my heart.

It was less of an argument & more of a disagreement, regardless of what it was, I’m asking the Lord how to put it out.

What’s my part - how can I stop adding fuel to the fire without denying the hurt or need for change?

I don’t have an answer yet, but what I DO have is a declaration from David (Psalm 101:2-3) that gives me words to pray when I’ve got none:

“I will sing of YOUR love & justice, Lord”👉🏽I praise You that Your love is steadfast even when ours fails.

“I will be careful to live a blameless life”👉🏽Lord, help me speak the Truth through Your lens of unfailing love.💞

“When will you come to help me?”👉🏽It’s now-o-clock, Lord 🙏🏽

“I will lead a life of integrity in my own home”👉🏽Lord, help me to walk in your Peace, letting the Holy Spirit lead my spirit to respond with peace instead of reacting with emotional hurt & anger.

“I will refuse to look at anything vile or vulgar”👉🏽Lord, make my minds-eye see the way You see…bless him & change me.

We are not called to be the providential hand of God in our loved ones lives, but sometimes?😬

👉🏽Sometimes He lets us see things & calls us to speak words of warning that can be a catalyst for change.

It may not feel good to say them, especially when they are not received, but the reception is of no consequence…it is a deep, loving kindness to speak the Truth in love, even when it’s hard & even when it feels like the hearer rejects it AND you.🥲

Father, thank you for the reminder that fire fails without wood. We draw near to You asking for Your Living Water to pour over all fires of conflict right now.

As we wait for Your help, may we be blameless, flicking off the enemy’s paltry attempts to divide & conquer! We worship You, our Healer of all things, even relationships!

Jesus, Your mission is to save & reconcile the lost. We will sing of YOUR love & justice today as we wait for You to do what only You can do in our relationships that feel irreparable. Be glorified, in Jesus’s name amen 🙏🏽


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