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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

God’s Promises Aren’t Dependent Upon Our Perfection

I spent the day yesterday preparing a message called, “The Sifted Life”, As I wrote the intro, I shared that some of my friends jokingly call me a “Recovered Perfectionist”, but in all honesty, I prefer “A Woman Redeemed by The Perfect One”. 🤗

I love to organize, but am far from perfect & that’s good because it reminds me that God’s promises aren’t dependent upon my perfection!

This morning, I read about Moses’s last day on earth. He lives his life on the heights, face to face with Father God, & here in his last moments, he climbs high on Mt. Nebo for one last glance over the land promised to God’s people.

The scene feels sad because Moses, in his fallible imperfection, wasn’t allowed to enter the Promised Land due to sin. I wonder if he wishes that he’d been more perfect so that his mission didn’t feel like it fell short…but God uses it as a visual of what’s to come!

Moses, the Law Maker, delivers the people from slavery to the border of the promised land, but Joshua (a prototype of Jesus) leads them through the very same river where Jesus would be baptized, to the land flowing with milk & honey!

Y’all! Did you make the connection?! The Law made NOTHING perfect & that was the point! It delivered the people from slavery to sin, but didn’t lead them to eternal rest & peace!

Moses leads with the Law but his leadership falls short at the banks of the Jordan ON purpose & FOR the purpose of allowing Joshua (visual of Jesus to come) to do for us what the law couldn’t do!

Moses wasn’t perfect & yet he was known for his face to face relationship with the Father. There’s no perfection needed, no clean up required for us to face the Father because Jesus did the “cleaning up” for us!

God gives Joshua what He gave Moses-His promise & Presence! That same promise is for us AND the fulfillment of His promises are not dependent upon our perfection!! 😅

Father, thank You for the reminder that You will not fail us nor abandon us. We want to be known as face-to-face followers of the Father! Your promises have no dependence on our performance as they always prove true. We praise You that our success is not dependent on perfection, but on Your Promise & Presence alone!


JOSHUA 1:1-2:24

LUKE 13:22-14:6

PSALM 79:1-13



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