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if sin comes knocking, don’t answer!It’s been removed as far as East is from West!

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

If for some reason you died today, where would you land? What if there’s something you thought you knew, but were completely wrong? Would you want to know?

I would.

I’ve asked that question to many people & received LOTS of different answers. Some say “Heaven! I mean, I’ve lived a pretty good life!”

I hate to burst that bubble, but there is no “good” that’s good enough to erase even one drop of sin.

Mark Rutland once said, “There is no ocean that can wash away a drop of blood from a murdered king, but the drop of a murdered king can wash away an ocean of sin for all people!”

We cannot escape the enemy who rules  this world. No matter how hard we try, we will lie, hold hatred in our hearts or break one of the Ten Commandments.

They were a great setup to show us that we cannot “be good enough” without our Sacrificial Lamb.

Holy God cannot even look upon sin, but He did make a Way. His Son lived a sinless life, taking all sin, for all time to the grave where He conquered death SO too could we!

Y’all, I don’t know what kind of sin litters your past. Ignorant or not, we ALL have it! Instead of letting it pull you back into the guilt & shame, let it become a resounding reminder of your need of a Savior!

Psalm 103 tells us that He has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west!

Think about this: if you travel North, at what point do you travel South? 👉🏽When you hit the North Pole, right?

But if you travel East, at what point will you be traveling West? Never!

And vice versa, if you headed out west & kept on going the 127,000 miles back to the point where you began, you’d still be traveling West.

East & West never meet & so shall we never again meet our past sins once we accept Jesus as our Savior & Lord!

Do you want to know with absolute certainty that you’ll spend eternity in heaven? All you need do is confess that you’re a sinner, accept His free gift of salvation & allow Him Lordship!

And if sin comes knocking on your door, don’t answer! It’s been removed as far as East is from West & has no legal right to torment unless you permit it! The erasing power of salvation isn’t a license to sin, but an invitation to follow. Will you accept it?

JUDGES 15:1-16:31

JOHN 2:1-25

PSALM 103:1-22

PROVERBS 14:17-19


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