I think I could be in college forever & it would feel dreamy. Not the physical structure, but the gathering of information & knowledge brings me so much joy! The underbelly of that, however, is that when facing decisions, I can land in a place of analysis paralysis...a place where I keep digging & diving for more knowledge so that I make the best decision possible. 😬
The other night, I went to a teaching on spiritual warfare & learned something about the need for knowledge. When God created Adam & Eve, He placed them in a garden with two trees.
👉🏽The Tree of Life
👉🏽The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil
Most know the story of how Satan tempted Eve with the question, “Did God really say...?”
It caused her to question God’s Word & tempted her to take that fateful bite. Satan lured her to think that she need know anything & everything about good & evil.
But here’s the Truth: she need only know Him, her God who created all things, who ruled over all things...rather than drawing near to knowledge, she could draw near to the Author of all of it!
The Tree of Knowledge is an achieving system. I’d venture to say that striving for knowledge almost always leads to strife. This tree produces the fruits of self sufficiency, pride, frustration & death.
The Tree of Life, however, is a receiving system. When we abide in our God & Father & make it our highest aim to live FOR Him alone, we find wisdom which by definition is the right application or use of knowledge! It is here that we find forgiveness, freedom, grace, Truth & life!
If you keep reading the verse it says we are created FOR God & are given life THROUGH Jesus! Current culture values information. Info is good, but knowledge of the Creator is best! The tree determines the fruit. Which tree am I under? Am I positioning myself to achieve by knowing things or to simply receive by knowing Him?
Father, guard us from the temptation to know all things & give us an insatiable desire to know You. Holy Spirit, help us to make time for The Word of God. Sitting & soaking in The Word reminds us that we only have need of You. May our sole aim be to live FOR God THROUGH the Lordship of Jesus Christ!
August 13th One Year Bible Readings
💡Nehemiah 5:14-7:73
💡1 Corinthians 8:1-13
💡Psalm 33:1-11
💡Proverbs 21:8-10