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Riding with The Creator on the Elevator

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

So Markel & I made a last minute decision to drop everything & make a 10-hour drive to Virginia on Friday. During the drive, I battled emotions that left me feeling betwixt.

On one hand, I felt beyond excited at the idea of a weekend away with our close friends - in fact it felt dreamy! As co-founders of a hybrid school, the 4 of us have been serving side by side in some capacity for over 12 years, so the R&R together felt like a gift from God.

On the other, I battled the feeling of guilt & honestly shame. I had a little voice inside that clamored for my attention screaming, “What in Hades are you doing?! Y’all are both in career transitions, you “should” be pounding the pavement, looking at LinkedIn, making phone calls, sending gotta make things happen!” (That little word “should” is usually an indicator of enemy operation for me 🙄)

When I read 1 Cor. 14:33 this morning, the wrestle inside suddenly settled. Paul writes that our God is not a God of disorder, but of peace. I was so surprised as I would have expected the verse to end with the word “order”, but it says “peace”.

The word for peace here comes from a root word that means, “one, quietness, rest.” It is a joining together of all essential parts in order to make whole.💕

Last week, a new friend gave an analogy that surfaced this morning as I pondered the opposite ends of disorder & peace. He said that there are seasons in life where our Creator invites us to ride with Him on an elevator. When we step into a nice elevator, the doors shut & the movement upward is almost imperceptible. We do nothing but stand there & wait for the doors to open & when they do, we suddenly find ourselves in a new place.

Many times, most times, I’m tempted to take the stairs all by myself. I love the feeling of my heart pumping & legs burning from the hard work! The problem is, when I pull up the bootstraps & try to make things happen apart from the Lord, disorder surfaces in my mind & heart...feelings of instability, commotion & confusion follow me when I follow me😳

But God? He’s our Creator Who invites us to a restful ride in His elevator. His sovereignty doesn’t negate my responsibility, but following His lead is always marked by peace. When we join Him in HIS endeavors, we become whole in Him as we learn to rest wholly ON Him.

August 22nd One Year Bible Readings

💡Job 4:1-7:21

💡1 Corinthians 14:18-40

💡Psalm 37:30-40

💡Proverbs 21:27


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