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Ever since I can remember I have loved words - listening, writing, and speaking words of encouragement are hard-wired into my DNA, as is a deep desire for order and an innate ability to help make it happen.  It is not surprising that my personal vision is to simply, "Restore intention" - not only in my life, but in the lives of others... 

The word s i f t means to isolate that which is most important or essential. My passion has always been to help free others of redundancies & inefficiencies so that they may intentionally steward their time, talent and treasures. The mission of sift is to help create simplicity and purpose by offering strategic operational, organizational and administrative solutions. 

In the fall of 2011, I was on a mission trip to Kenya when I read Isaiah 50:4.  I had read it many times before, but that particular morning, it was is if it was in neon lights.  It has since become my guiding verse each morning as I dig into the Word of God, searching as if for hidden treasure so that I might continue to develop, "a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary." The intent of this blog is share a word to sustain the weary...


Do you have an upcoming event where you will be equipping your audience with knowledge, wisdom and tools in the areas of biblical Truth, peace and purpose? I'd love to join you! I have spoken at various women's events about many topics such as hearing God's voice, vertical hope, what do in a season of waiting, the importance of Biblical Truth and Becoming His. I am passionate about God's word and equipping His people to know and walk in Truth!

Feeling overwhelmed & unable to live a life of intention? Well, you’re not alone! Living in this age of drop-down menus & super-speed everything can make it difficult to live a life of purpose. Purpose requires a dose of discernment, a bit of intentionality, and a whole lotta self-control! There’s a lot we CAN say yes to, but just because we can, doesn’t mean we should. Ready for a life of simplicity? I would love to come speak to your gathering about learning how to live, “The Sifted Life”!

kimberly's speaking bio

Well, hello… My name is Kimberly Oden. I am a married mama of four men, & ever since I can remember I‘ve loved two things: words & order. Listening, writing & speaking words of encouragement are hardwired into my DNA, as is the ability to bring about order anywhere I go. I’ve been called a, “recovered perfectionist”, but I prefer “redeemed”. For years I misused the gift of order to present a perfect facade, but now the Lord’s redeemed it to help others build a foundation of order that creates margin for purpose to prevail. Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to use these gifts to co-found schools, co-create as well as help many others through my Sift organizing business. If you’d like to read my daily devotional, feel free to visit

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