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Kimberly Oden

Sacred Time: Creating a Divine Rhythm for the Cadence of your Calendar

organizer Kimberly Oden alpharetta virtual assistant sift

Benjamin Franklin once said, "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail."

This morning, I awoke after sleeping 9 1/2 hours feeling the effects of failing to plan...foggy-headed, tired and lacking motivation.

I felt led to write those words on the top of my journal, so I did…

Then my morning reading led me to learn about the “sacred time" of the Jewish calendar. I then felt led to write those words on the top of my journal, so I did...

As I looked at the words, I quickly realized how the lack of “sacred time” has led to feeling foggy, tired & lacking motivation.

Somehow, “Planner Girl” allowed her calendar to dictate the pace of her day instead of FIRST intentionally setting aside “sacred time”, a time that creates a Divine Rhythm to the cadence of my calendar, a cadence that allows time, space and place to simply, “Be Still…" Planning 101, right? I love to plan and yet so many “good” things are presented during this holiday season and before I know it, I am saying “yes” to too many good things, which ultimately rob me of what’s “best”… When I look back at the study of the Jewish calendar, I am stunned by the intentionality held within… whether the daily sacrifice, the gift of the weekly Sabbath, the waxing and waning of the monthly New Moon Festival, or the various annual festivals throughout the year, each and every event is intended to help maintain a close connection between God and his people and to remind the Jews of His faithfulness and His plan of salvation.

  • The Daily Sacrifice reminded them that the LORD was their Daily Sacrifice

  • The Weekly Sabbath reminded them that the LORD was their Creator

  • The Monthly New Moon Festival reminded them that the LORD was their Tree of Life

  • The Annual Passover reminded them that the LORD was their Redeemer and Justification

  • The Annual Feast of Unleavened Bread reminded them that He was their Sanctification

  • The Annual Feast of First-fruits reminded them that He was their Resurrection

  • The Annual Pentecost reminded them that He was their Latter Rain

  • The Annual Feast of the Trumpets reminded them that He was their Sentinel

  • The Annual Day of Atonement reminded them that He was their Judge and Advocate

  • The Annual Feast of Tabernacles reminded them that He was their Light, their Water, their Shelter, their Provider and their Savior form this world.

The Lord placed this sacred calendar of events before the Jews to remind them that if they would honor Him as LORD, then He would honor them with His Presence.

During this season that has the potential to wreak havoc on our priorities, it is vital that “sacred time” is set aside to connect with our LORD and Savior…time where the effectual smoke of our morning sacrifice rises through the air and sustains us until the day comes to a close and we meet again in intimate evening worship with the One who Sacrificed for us, our Creator, our Life-giver, our Redeemer, our Sentinel, our Advocate and Provider of all things…

Stapleton, Tom. "The Daily Sacrifice of Daniel Chapter 8 Explained in a New Way." Jesus' Resurrection. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2016. <>.


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