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A Reminder When You Feel Like Your Life Is on Recall

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

My son recently received notice that his car is on recall due to some reported problems. In this age of technology, I’m a bit surprised, but I’m sure there’re a cazillion factors to consider when making a car so I’m grateful for the free fix with the recall!

As I read 11:29 today, I smiled because it reminded me that, unlike my son’s car, God’s Word will never be recalled. Paul gives a bold & unwavering promise that brings great comfort when various parts of life feel like they’re on recall 😉

He writes, “For God’s gifts & His call can never be withdrawn.”

There are 3 words worth considering:

Gifts - this is the free gift of God’s grace that one receives without any effort of his own

Call - God has invited all people of all time to receive his gift of salvation & the blessings that accompany it

Withdrawn - This is something irrevocable, done without regret because it was done with deep conviction & true concern

God’s gift & calling on YOUR life is immutable & unalterable. He made the decision to call you, out of deep conviction of His love for you, just the way you are, in the very state you’re in…There’s nothing you can do in your life that would alter your timeline in such a way that would negate His gift & call!

There is an irrevocable nature of God, an unchangeableness that brings great comfort when we simply take Him at His Word.

What He promises, He WILL fulfill!

What He purposes to do, He WILL do!

He will not change from or repent of His Word!

It shall be fulfilled regardless of the variables we face!

Numbers 23:19 promises that:

“God is not a man, so He does not lie.

He is not human, so He does not change his mind.

Has He ever spoken and failed to act?

Has He ever promised and not carried it through?”

I’m not sure what variables are fluctuating in your life right now, but I sense that God is calling each of us to come to Him, our unchangeable, rock-like foundation who never waivers on His Word!

Father, we praise You that You don’t change Your mind. We may not understand all of the “whys” behind the varying “whats” we face, but we take great comfort knowing that even though circumstances may change, Your irrevocable Word will not!

2 CHRONICLES 21:1-23:21

ROMANS 11:13-36

PSALM 22:1-18



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~ Hans Hofmann

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