Church has been a cornerstone for much of my life, but I can’t say that I’ve experienced the church God intended until recently. We’ve been fed Truth in a way unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. It moved us with a quickening that was unfamiliar, at times uncomfortable, but always exhilarating!
What we didn’t know is that we were doing something Jesus commands in John 6 - we were “feasting on His flesh.”
Feel uncomfortable?
You’re not alone.
When Jesus tells His audience that anyone who eats His flesh & drinks his blood will have eternal life, many are offended, even His followers.
But here’s the thing: He wasn’t talking about His physical body. Yes, the Word of God became flesh & made His dwelling among us, but in the same way that the flesh of a man has no value without soul & spirit, religion without the quickening Spirit of God is dead & worthless!
Jesus clarifies with 3 bullet-like sentences:
The Spirit alone gives eternal life.
Human effort accomplishes nothing.
And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit & life.
I love that He sandwiches in a sock to the gut 👉🏽Human effort accomplishes nothing.
Aiming to accomplish anything apart from Spirit is like trying to fly without superpower - we will likely fall flat on our faces or miss out altogether that this power is available to us!
Can you imagine living a life with the ability to fly but not knowing it?
That’s what life without the Holy Spirit is like! When our spirits keep lock step with the HOLY Spirit, sparks fly & so do we!
How do we live life in the spirit?
By ingesting The Word Who became flesh!
If we abide IN Him & His Words abide in us, we can ask freely & it will be done!
Y’all there is Divine power that comes upon, in & through us when we feast on the Word of God! ALL human effort is worthless, so if you’re striving, stop it. You’re missing out on the most super-powered life possible this side of heaven!
Oh Father, awaken Your People to the much-more life you have for us! Holy Spirit, lead our spirits so we keep a quickened step with You! Flesh without spirit is dead. Awaken us to our need of The Word & place us in a church home where He is welcome!
1 SAMUEL 10:1-11:15
JOHN 6:43-71
PSALM 107:1-43