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  • Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Discipline Leads to Delight

Yesterday morning Markel & I went on a long walk before the day began. I’m on a mean streak of 10,000+ steps a day since mid-May, so I’m super motivated to keep the discipline going💯 After we finished our usual loop, he said, “Let’s go again before it gets hot. You’ll be glad you did later today.” I didn’t really want to, but I followed his lead into an interval run-walk-run workout the kicked my rear😅

When dinner time rolled around I was delighted to see that I’d met my step goal & then had this thought:

✨Discipline leads to delight✨

In the moment, his wise words felt like Ecclesiastes 12:11:The words of the  wise are like cattle prods-painful but helpful.

His wisdom felt like an annoying poke in my back, but it really was delightful when I heeded his advice. 

I finished the book of Ecclesiastes today - it’s well worth a read because it’s filled to the brim with cattle-prod kinda advice! 

Solomon likens the discipline of gaining wisdom to the use of an ax 👉🏽“Using a dull ax requires great strength,so sharpen the blade.”

I thought, “Well, 🙄”

But then he follows it with this:

“That’s the value of wisdom. It helps you succeed.”

Wisdom & knowledge are not synonymous. Wisdom by definition is the right use or application of knowledge. We have all knowledge for all time in our back pocket. Knowledge is not the issue-it’s whether or not we know WHAT to do with it & IF we have the gumption to actually do it!

The Word of God is the Source of ALL wisdom. I’ve been reading the One Year Bible for over 20 years & am stunned how I can read the same passage on the same date & fresh revelation unfolds like manna from heaven.

Just today, I read how Paul exhorted believers to give what they have. Well, I may not have much, but what I do have is the fresh manna He gives me. Y’all, discipline truly does lead to delight!

My prayer this morning, is that we would sharpen our blade by delighting in the discipline of seeking God’s Word. It’s sharper than even a double edged sword &, according to Solomon, it helps us succeed! The question is, will we delight in the discipline of listening to wisdom’s woos saying, “This is The Way. Walk (or run 😂) in it.”

September 5th One Year Bible Readings

💡Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14

💡2 Corinthians 8:1-15

💡Psalm 49:1-20

💡Proverbs 22:20-21


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