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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Discipline | That Which Guards us from Foolishness

So the word “vomit” appeared twice in today’s One Year Bible reading. As a visual learner, it’s not a super splendid way to start the day, but the duplication caught my attention. 

I had just finished creating a side by side list of personal “Yes’s” & “No’s” for the upcoming week. Boundaries have become a little blurred in various areas that require discipline, so I felt led to clarify clear lines. My aim is for disciplined decisions to quickly return (vs. me returning to gluttonous delight of good things that can become god things).

Proverbs likens a fool who repeats his foolishness as a dog who returns to his vomit 🤢 He eats something awful, throws it up, only to return to the vile, stinking mess to lick it up & repeat the process 🤮 😳

Jeremiah prophesies about the proud, arrogant Moabites - how they, “will wallow in their own vomit, ridiculed by all.”

They refused to listen to wisdom so their lofty pride & haughty heart led to their vomit-covered demise.

As I pondered my list of yes’s, I see how they all bring forth life. My no’s are not sinful things, but they become sin when I choose them over my Lord’s lead. They seem to eventually land me in a pile of self-created yuck, robbing me of life & rest.

Psalm 95 warns the reader to listen to the voice of the Lord, unlike the wanton Israelites...they hardened their hearts & refused to listen even though they had physically walked through a sea parted by Him! God was so grieved that He did not let them enter His place of rest (Ps. 95:11).

Y’all, the moment we trust in our wealth or skills & bow down to our wants or even needs, they become our captors, captivating our time, talent & treasures for self. AND we miss out on the Divine rest that follows in the wake of our captivating King! 

Father, forgive us for the times we return to the very things that rob us of You, the things that come up & out as vomit-like foolishness & pride. You have the best laid plans for our future, we need only return to You & heed your lead. Holy Spirit, we need Your wisdom to walk out a disciplined life. Help us create clear boundaries that free us to follow the Father to His place of rest.

💡JEREMIAH 48:1-49:22

💡2 TIMOTHY 4:1-22

💡PSALM 95:1-96:13

💡PROVERBS 26:9-12


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