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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Discovering Vertical Hope During a (Seemingly) Hopeless Time in History

Hope => a confident expectation

of a guaranteed result

that changes the way you live.

This tumultuous time in history can leave us feeling a bit hopeless at times, so I am excited to dive into Psalm 143, a passage infused with hope! When we look to the horizontal things in our lives for hope (titles, treasures, talents or people), we are left, at best, wanting for more and at the very least, facing fear and uncertainty about the future. There is only One Hope, a vertical, living, breathing embodiment of hope that will hold us steady - the One who lived a sinless life and died for us - Jesus Christ. My prayer as we walk through Psalm 143 together is that you would either be introduced to Jesus as Savior, Provider, Hope, Peace, Redeemer, Rock and Lord, or that you might become reacquainted with The One who saved you from death - because if He can save us from death, then all other hope-crushing fears we face quickly fade into the background of our lives. Thank you for watching! May you be blessed with tangible hope, peace and revelation as you watch!


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