“A low view of God has always been humanity’s undoing.” I read that quote yesterday morning & it rocked my world because If I’m being honest, it’s been my undoing time & time again...
When things are hard, defaulting to my natural abilities or even turning to fake security happens almost imperceptibly.
I’m a systems girl. It’s a gift Gods given me & I can easily turn to systems to try to solve a problem I’m facing. The problem with turning to the gift instead of the Giver OF that gift, is that I systematically systematize Him out of the equation, missing out on the opportunity to lean on His strength, power & grace.
Life this side of heaven will be punctuated with seasons of trials - that’s not a negative Nelly perspective, it’s simply what we can expect according to Jesus, Paul, Peter...
Psalm 84 promises joy for those who trust in the Lord & whose strength comes from Him. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. He writes that the autumn springs will clothe it with blessing.
When the Israelites would pilgrimage to Jerusalem to worship the Lord, this desert-like valley was a common way. After the heat of the summer, the barren ground would become dusty & hard, but the autumn rains would refresh it with pools of water.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes, (maybe many times?) when I walk through a desert-like valley of weeping, I can begin to dig holes with the hopes that rain will fill them for my sustenance
The problem, however, is that I figure out a solution without factoring the Father in the equation.
When we factor the future without our Father, we become prone to fear. We miss out on His strength to get us through & His provision to sustain us. The valley becomes a striving place instead of a refreshing space.
Father, forgive us when we factor the future without first facing You. Fear limits our freedom & robs us of rest. Remind us of how mighty & awesome You are! Guard us from the temptation towards self reliance. Give us hearts that recognize You as our all-supreme Lord who will always provide all that we need - even refreshing springs in the valley of weeping from holes we need not dig 🤗
💡JEREMIAH 23:21-25:38
💡PSALM 84:1-12