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Forgiveness is not Synonymous with Healing and Trust

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

Forgiveness, healing & trust are not synonymous. One is immediate while the other 2 take time.

Anyone who’s accepted Jesus as their Savior & has received forgiveness of sins has no right to withhold forgiveness. It may not be easy, but once we receive Jesus as “mine”, we suddenly gain His inordinate love to give!

The problem, however, is that many equate forgiveness with trust and forget that a hurt heart takes time to heal.

Immediately moving back to a position of trust  with too much unresolved hurt is not only unwise, it lays a faulty foundation for a future relationship.

This morning I read Proverbs 28:20. It declares how a trustworthy person will receive rich rewards, but a person who wants quick riches will get into trouble.

A trustworthy person is true to their word. They make good on their promises and fulfill their commitments. They abide by the obligations they place themselves under and as a result, experience a life that abounds with blessings.

On the other hand, a person who cuts corners & demands WHAT they want WHEN they want, oftentimes steamrolls loved ones in the process. They will get into trouble & they cry for help from the very people they hurt...

Relationships are messy. Understanding where I end & a loved one begins can be VERY hard to define. We will do almost anything for a family member, but sometimes the best thing is to do nothing.

We are called to forgive 70x7, but it’s important to remember that the healing takes time & the trust that was broken needs to be experienced for it to grow again.

Father, when someone steamrolls over our hearts, help us to be quick to forgive with the forgiveness You extended to us. We don’t want to have an open door of unforgivesness that allows bitterness to grow. Help us to communicate clear boundaries so we can preserve the relationship while healing happens & trust can take root again.

Father, we bless those who hurt us. Holy Spirit, reveal to them their need of you. Heal any hurt places in their hearts so they can become the whole & healed child of God You intended on the day You created them. Thank you that Your very Presence unifies us while we wait for healing to happen & trust to grow!

November 28th One Year Bible Readings

💡DANIEL 5:1-31

💡2 PETER 2:1-22

💡PSALM 119:113-128

💡PROVERBS 28:19-20


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