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  • Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Freedom Isn’t Free

Freedom isn’t free.

That’s what ran like a ticker tape through my thoughts as I read about a group of activists damning Independence Day to protest the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade.

I shook my head in disbelief at the ridiculousness of the event: “F _ _ _ the Fourth”😳  The only reason they’re FREE to protest is due to the FREEDOM that fell ON the fourth by the many who died for it!

Freedom is costly nationally AND spiritually! The 2 seemingly separate things were very connected in Old Testament history. The Law stated that children will suffer for their father’s sins up to the 4th generation & that’s precisely where we find the king of Judah in 2 Kings 24.

His great-grandfather filled the streets of Jerusalem with innocent blood of people, priests & prophets who wouldn’t follow his wicked ways. The atrocity is SO great, that the Lord will not forgive!😳

The national cup of iniquity is full & the tipping hand of judgement finally falls as nations attack & God’s people are led into captivity.

One of the captives, however, the prophet Ezekiel, suddenly prophesies a new doctrine!

He writes that children will no longer suffer for the  sins of the father because “the son who has done what is lawful & right shall surely live.”

Is he telling of the coming Christ who will conquer death so that we might be free?

If you personally knew a veteran who gave his life for your freedom, would you ever mock Memorial, Independence or Veterans Day? I can’t fathom it…

In the same way that our national freedom was paid with the price of life, so was our eternal freedom.

As we celebrate freedom today, may we be reminded of the greater freedom bought by Jesus!

Father, thank You for sacrificing Your Son Who fulfilled the Law so we won’t suffer for the sins of our forefathers. Awaken our hearts this Independence Day by reminding us that freedom isn’t free.

We are free to live independently FROM You, but the price is eternal hell. Jesus died SO THAT we might live independent FROM sin eternally!

May we not mock freedom by living our lives in our own will & way. Redeemer, freely have Your Way with us as we walk as willing captives behind The One Who set us free!

2 KINGS 23:31-25:30

ACTS 22:17-23:10

PSALM 2:1-12



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