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  • Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Green Light Kinda Freedom | Follow

Sometimes following the Lord along “the best pathway” for life doesn’t feel like the best pathway…

Yesterday, Markel & I had the opportunity to worship & pray with an amazing ministry called, “Oasis.”

 It truly was an oasis experience with Jesus & His people.💕I learned so much more about Who my Lord is & why following in His wake is the only place I want to be.

One of the worshipers exhorted us to “Behold Him in the hard...” 

When he said it, I heard two things. The first was a question and the second was a promise:

1) Kimberly what are you holding that’s not of Him?

2) Behold Him & He will hold you.

I’ve been walking down a path for months now that seemed proper.

It seemed right.

It seemed like a perfect fit.

The problem is that I’ve been battling frustration in my heart & I just couldn’t identify why. I begged for peace because I know intimately that peace is God’s approval, & yet the angst didn’t just remain, it grew greater.😳

In that moment, I let go of what I wanted to do, what I thought was “best”, and beheld my Lord...

Tears fell freely, but so did the frustration.

Peace settled in, over & next to me like an old friend. My Lord hadn’t gone anywhere, by my heart had. 

One of the leaders  exhorted us to walk with a sonship kinda freedom 👉🏽 He said in the same way that our children don’t ask permission to walk into the kitchen, we are to walk as if we have green lights ahead.

If a child walks towards the hot stove, however, a good father will turn on the red light & stop his son right in his tracks.

Sometimes, a lack of peace is like a red light from our Father, exhorting us to stop in our tracks.

As I beheld my Lord and King, I realized how I was on a “good” path, but not “the best path” that He intended. 

Obedience meant a hard decision & an even harder conversation, but I followed. I trust Him. Father always knows what’s best. When you behold Him over everything else, you can be sure that He will hold you.

Father, thank you for green light kinda freedom as we follow you. Help us to recognize the reds & turn quickly to your best path. Your Way is the best Way & is always marked by peace.

August 12th One Year Bible Readings

💡NEHEMIAH 3:15-5:13

💡1 CORINTHIANS 7:25-40

💡PSALM 32:1-11

💡PROVERBS 21:5-7


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