If the story isn’t good, God’s not done writing.
That’s a phrase that surfaced at church yesterday. I thought about it throughout the day, wondering about circumstances where the story seemed to end NOT good.
The one that had me stumped was a friend who lost a child far too early…& that doesn’t seem good.
Maybe what matters is how we define, “good”?
Today I read about the Good News of how Jesus conquered death so that we might too. Long before Jesus is born in the stable, God promises to raise Him from the dead, not leaving him to rot in the grave.
There’s nothing more good than knowing that there’s life after death, & even more good that Jesus guarantees anyone who believes in Him is made good with God, SO THAT we can spend eternity in the Presence of His goodness!!
When we are in the middle of a mess, hopelessness can settle on our spirits.
I can only imagine what the disciples feel when their Teacher, Friend & Messiah dies before their very eyes. I can’t say that I would’ve seen any good in it…
Kinda like watching a movie we’ve already seen, we all know how the story ends-that He conquers death & appears to them again!
But for the disciples? They walked through a murky middle moment probably pondering Jesus’s last words, “It is finished.”
What’s finished?
The story?
This is how it ends?
Those are all questions I would’ve asked. I’m sure they’re questions my friend & husband asked.
Yet, when I talk with her now, even though there’s a longing for her daughter, there’s also an inexplicable peace that comes from knowing sweet Maya is with her Messiah.
Loss is hard & most times doesn’t feel good.
I’m not sure what unfinished chapters you’re facing this morning, but may this post be a reminder that if it’s not good, He’s not finished writing. And sometimes? The good unfolds on the other side of heaven.
It might not feel good for us, but it is good because we know our loved ones who believed in Jesus as Savior, have been made good with God & are now with Him for eternity.
Father, You’re the Author of our lives & we trust You even when plot twists seem hopeless. Even though things might not feel good, You’re our Living Hope Who IS good & we trust Your timing with our story.
1 KINGS 22:1-53
ACTS 13:16-41
PSALM 138:1-8
PROVERBS 17:17-18