Did you know that there is healing power in tears? (Not just, “the wind is blowing so my eyes are watering” kinda tears, but emotional tears.)
Emotional tears shed hormones & other toxins which accumulate during stress AND they cause the body to produce endorphins, our body’s natural pain killer & “feel-good” hormones.
Why am I writing about tears? Because I shed a whole lot of ‘em last night...
As I was heading to bed after my boohoo session, my son, Tommas, called me out of the blue to ask how I was. I replied with a surface “good,”, but he’s a feeler & he knew something was off. What he didn’t know was that I spent the last 30 minutes of prayer @ church boohooing before the Lord.
He leaned into the convo & said, “Word on the street says otherwise.” He went on to tell me about a song that he’s learning called, “Shouldn’t matter, but it does.”
When he said the title it shot through me like a rocket! I had just finished telling Markel how I KNOW Truth in my head and my heart, but there’s a disconnect with my emotions. Like I KNOW God is good.
I might not know what tomorrow holds, but I KNOW He’s holding it.
I KNOW He has, is & will continue to provide for all of the things that lay heavy on my heart...& yet tears continue to flow at the most random of times. It shouldn’t matter but it does...
Psalm 17 begins with, “O, Lord...hear my cry for help.” As I read how David‘s plea, I wondered if his “cry” was accompanied by tears?
There’ve been many seasons where, I’ve boxed up emotions & taped it shut with faith, thinking much like the song title, “It shouldn’t matter, but it does...”
Y’all, God created us & in His strategic love & compassion, biochemically gave us tears as a gateway to transformation. He created them & they have healing properties, so therefore they are good! No longer do we need to hide our tears, especially from Him 🤗
When I faced Him in praise & prayer last night, laying it all before Him w mascara running, snot pouring & choking on my words, healing began to happen. Nothing changed, but when we position ourselves face to face with our Father, we can proclaim like David did in v 35 👉🏽that we are “satisfied” 💕