I have a new friend who is a widower. He’s one of the most gentle souls I’ve ever met. His wife passed away a few years ago so I’m not sure if he’s always been like this, but it’s like he’s got his feet on this earth but his head is already in heaven. He listens with patience, speaks with wisdom & loves with a love that’s so free.
He recently re-shared the importance of a kingdom perspective-our pastor spoke about it on Sunday. He said he longs for heaven but while he’s in this little “k” kingdom, he approaches life through the lens of God’s Kingdom.
I had a very hard conversation yesterday & wanted to have this emissary mindset, keeping my bottom in the seat & my heart heavenward but I can’t say I was super successful.😑
In 2 Cor 5, Paul writes “either way, Christ’s love controls us.” When we allow Jesus Lordship & keep our focus on His Kingdom, we can become like my new friend & keep our feet on earth while addressing the hard before us through the lens of heaven.
We are called to become Christ’s ambassadors SO THAT God may make His appeal THROUGH us. The question that surfaced for me is this:
👉🏽Will I get out the way so He may?
When difficult & sometimes untrue things are said about you, or even to you, will you speak only the words Christ would speak?
Paul reminds us to stop evaluating others from a human point of view (v16) because God has given us the task of reconciling people to Him (v18).
I cannot become an emissary of the big “K” Kingdom unless I relinquish all rights to myself. I read in Job today how the Lord restored his fortunes WHEN Job prayed for his friends (who weren’t being very friendly.)
That required humility. That required an above-this-earth-kinda-love. That required a higher perspective that would rise above the cutting words of his friends...thankfully we have the Holy Spirit to help make this happen 💕
Father, give us eyes to see & a heart to follow like my widower friend. He seems to always have a ready word of encouragement & wisdom; a word that rises above the troubles of today & reminds me of my citizenship in heaven. Holy Spirit, give us an ambassador mindset that is quick to see things from Your holy & high perspective.
One Year Bible Readings
Job 40:1-42:17 | 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 | Psalm 45:1-17 | Proverbs 22:14