Last night I sent a late night text to my sons. The day was filled with minor battles & my heart felt weary. My flesh wanted to retire, but the Spirit urged my insides to gird up & wage war. I made way to the couch & began to fill myself with Truth.
What’s awesome is that Paul reminds us about this very thing in today’s reading =>although we live IN the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons of OUR warfare have divine power to destroy strongholds!👊🏽
When feeling weary, it’s essential that we remember to stand firm & gird our loins with Truth, carry the shield of faith, secure our helmet of salvation & wield the Word like a sword (Eph 6)
After soaking in Truth, I was prepared to pass revelation on to my sons & began with this:
“...if there was only one Truth I could share with you tonight, it would be this:
✨It is for His pleasure that you were created✨
You belong TO Him & WITH Him.
On the day He created you, He had no need of you...He simply wanted you.
He longs for you & yet loves you enough to let you choose - Him or all this world has to offer.
Charles Spurgeon once said there is no reason why I should look away, but a million reasons why I should not.
There will always be a million, fame, clothes, cars, people, emotions, even hardships that tempt our eyes to wander from The Way, but they will always leave us longing for more of the eternal emptiness they have to offer.
He created you because He loves you.
The other things you seek...have THEY shed blood for you?
The other people that take His place, have THEY died for you?
Jesus did. Seek Him 1st, keeping your gaze glued on Him & all other things fall into place.
Yes, it is for His pleasure that you were created. Make Him your first pleasure & you’ll be surprised how all others begin to fade in His wake.
He is The Way. He will lead The Way if you let Him.
He’s Emmanuel, God with you, simply waiting for you to fully receive His invitation to follow....”
I’m reminded this am that that glitters isn’t gold & fools gold has a fancy way of distracting our eyes from The One Who provides treasure eternal. May we wage war by keeping our eyes glued on God🤩
September 8th One Year Bible Readings
💡Isaiah 1:1-2:22
💡2 Corinthians 10:1-18
💡Psalm 52:1-9
💡Proverbs 22:26-27