I’m not a fan of this season of life. I’m an even bigger “not a fan” that the Lord led me to begin daily writing through it. Today I read how Paul went through some really hard things & I have to say that I’m thankful he wrote about it. 🤗
I texted with one of my sons last night recalling some recent happenings. I felt that if I shared some hard things & how the Lord has comforted me through it, that he too might be comforted in his current season.
Paul writes about this in 2 Corinthians. He proclaims that God, our merciful Father, is the very Source of all comfort. He comforts us in ALL our troubles SO THAT we can comfort others. The word, “comfort” means to draw near. One of His names is Emmanuel, so He’s always with me, but I can’t say that I always draw near or place my confidence in Him when times are good. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it takes the hard to remember my need of Him & sometimes He allows the hard so we can comfort those coming behind.
Towards the end of the passage, Paul writes with transparency about his hardships: “We think you ought to know about the trouble we went through… We were crushed & overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, & we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die.😳
BUT AS A RESULT {of the hard}, WE stopped relying on ourselves & LEARNED ONLY TO RELY IN GOD, WHO RAISES THE DEAD. And he DID rescue us from mortal danger, & he WILL rescue us again. We place our confidence in him & he will continue to rescue us.”
When a hard season begins to feel like it’s squeezing the very breath from my lungs, I want my automatic response to be like Paul’s 👉🏽 to place my confidence IN & rely ON The One Who Raises the Dead! I mean if He can raise the dead, He can do anything, right?
Father, we praise you that you are our Source of comfort. May we run to You alone in the good & the hard.
We want to become vessels that receive & pour out Your comfort to those who need it. You’re the ultimate efficiency expert! You don’t waste a thing!
Thank you for the many moments where You’ve rescued us & thank You for the many yet to come!
August 26 One Year Bible Readings
Job 20:1-22:30
2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Psalm 40:11-17
Proverbs 22:2-4