“And David danced…”
Those 3 little words capture the heart of King David. Whether fighting lions, facing giants or confessing sin, he does so with an unrestrained heart of worship.
I’ve been listening to Dan Berk’s “Hallelujah” cover for the past few days, so it was quite fitting to read about the day David danced without dignity before the Lord.
The King of Israel lays aside his royal robes & dons a simple linen tunic, to worship God with unrestrained zeal. He spins, sings & praises God in ways unbefitting for a king!
So much so, that when his wife looks down from her window & sees him leaping & dancing, she is filled with contempt for her husband.
Michal was the daughter of the former king, Saul. During his reign the Ark of the Lord had been severely neglected. Michal met David when he was a fierce warrior, but now he dances like a fool before the people of Israel as he brings the Ark home.
His religious zeal leads her to despise her husband in her heart. She did not know this unrestrained love for The One Whose Presence was near.
David’s life is filled with passionate hallelujahs, sometimes broken & sometimes holy.
The psalms are filled with his emotional pleas, & when Goliath talks trash about his God, David runs AT the ten foot man & kills him with a sling & stone! He knows this God Whom he worships & it does not matter who looks upon his unrestrained dancing that lacks kingly dignity…he leaps through the air as he, “worships God with all his might.”
I think what I love most is that we have an inside perspective - we know this:
David is a man after Gods own heart & yet he becomes an adulterer & murderer. Just like the song’s closing lyrics, I wonder if in his last days, David worships his Lord & king, singing,
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the lord of song
With nothing on my tongue but hallelujah
You see, whether we too are fighting lions, facing giants or confessing our brokenness, we can do so with unrestrained worship because that same God who loved David, flaws & all, loves us the same!
So Father, we bring our broken & our holy hallelujahs to You today, choosing to dance like David before our faithful audience of One!
2 SAMUEL 4:1-6:23
JOHN 13:31-14:14
PSALM 119:17-32
PROVERBS 15:31-32