Have you ever wished you had a fast forward button so you could zoom past an appointment or circumstance in life? I have one today. Those moments can feel like an approaching storm when the thunder begins to bellow from the clouds overhead.
It makes me think of a fascinating fact I learned about eagles this week & how they respond to a storm. When other birds sense an approaching storm, they head for cover. But an eagle? This regal bird perches on the edge of his massive nest with eager expectation for the wind & rain to arrive! And when it does, he extends his wings with a big whoosh & wields the currents of the storm winds to his advantage. His wings may tire, but he keeps them in a locked position as the circular winds push him higher & higher, until he finally ascends to the pinnacle of the impossible - soaring above the storm! It is far above the ruckus below where the gleam of the sun begins to warm his wings...
Can you picture it? It kinda makes me teary thinking about it...probably because my knee jerk reaction when storms arise is more like the little birds who dart about ducking for cover.
And yet, we need not skirt a hardship or fast forward through anything because much like the regal eagle, we, as royal sons & daughters of The Most High, can soar with ease at the pinnacle of the impossible!
Isaiah promises this in 26:3 where he writes,
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!“
We cannot control the storms that come, but we do have a choice - will we react like the frightened little birds or respond with eyes like an eagle, fixing our gaze on The One who uses the hard things in life to draw us near to Him. I want to soar high above this storm & allow The Son to warm my wings! 🦅 How about you!
September 17th One Year Bible Readings
💡ISAIAH 25:1-28:13
💡GALATIANS 3:10-22
💡PSALM 61:1-8
💡PROVERBS 23:17-18
Here’s a worahip song that will minister to you amidst stormy seasons: