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Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Sometimes Silence is the Secret Sauce of Wisdom

Sometimes silence is the secret sauce of wisdom. King Solomon writes that a truly wise person uses few words for even fools are thought wise when they keep silent.

But silence doesn’t feel golden when we don’t see eye to eye with someone.

My husband & I recently had a pretty heated disagreement. Actually, this was one of the few times I didn’t feel heated, but my words ignited a fire in him that wouldn’t be easily quenched. He began to say a lot like rapid fire bullets, each word landing squarely on my heart. He ended his diatribe with, “Anything else, Chief?”


I had many words & no words all at the same time. I wanted SO badly to reply, but praise God the Holy Spirit zipped my lips. I left in silence, wondering what to do with my wounded heart.

Solomon didn’t say that staying silent is wise, but rather a wise person uses few words. It’s in those moments of discord when we don’t know what to pray, that praise is great place to start!

That’s what David does in Psalm 144. He devotes the first 2/3 of the Psalm to remind himself Who God is, His Rock, Fortress, Rescuer & Shield BEFORE he speaks his need in two short words: “Save me!”

It’s easy in times of frustration to give airtime to enemy operation, but how much more effective to remember Who God is & what He’s done because it keeps us humble & strengthens our faith in the only One who can rescue us!

As I walked through that day recalling Who God is & what He’s done, I giggled as He reminded me that I once WAS “Chief” of sinners 😂 With His lead, I was able to release the offense & actually bless my husband’s spirit with wisdom, revelation & a renewed love for his wife💞

When we silence our words, we can hear His reminders of the grace we’ve received SO THAT we can move past what we think we deserve & love with His love, forgive with His grace & trust Him to work out the complicated details of life.

Father, bless our spirits to come underneath the authority of the Holy Spirit. When we want to let words rush like a freight train, muzzle our mouths. May we be like David & use our words to worship You, recalibrating our hearts to yours, so our words may be few & Your love through us be extravagant!

June 26th One Year Bible Readings 2 KINGS 9:14-10:31 ACTS 17:1-34 PSALM 144:1-15 PROVERBS 17:27-28


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