I have a dear friend & mentor whom I love. She always seems to have a ready exhortation or encouragement on her lips. Most recently she said something that made me smile. I was sharing the various trials we are traversing & she said,
✨Well, Kimberly, sometimes we all just need to take a break & build a fort with God✨
It was so simple & childlike. A visual from my childhood surfaced of sheets hung over chairs & tables. Inside the little safe haven, I’d have some snacks & pretend that I was on some secret getaway 🤗
There are moments in life when we can take a sabbatical of sorts to build a fort with God, but what about the times when the clock keeps ticking & we physically or financially cannot get away?
This morning, as I began to read 2 Corinthians 8, I chuckled because it began with this:
“But thank God!”
Why the chuckle? Because yesterday our AC unit came to a screeching halt- I literally heard the high pitched squeal all the way in the house. We had just cooked something in the oven, so it was warm & becoming warmer by the minute.
I wanted to wail, “Aw, come on, now!” But a tiny voice whispered one thing:
Give thanks.
I didn’t really want to, but I did. I thanked God for anything & everything I could see in our home.
I thanked Him for the fans
I thanked Him for cold water
I thanked Him that it was almost dark so it would be cool soon
As I prayed, a song began to play in the kitchen titled, of all things, “I Thank God”.🎉
“He picked me up,
He turned me around
Placed my feet on solid ground
I thank the Master,
I thank the Savior
Oh, I thank God”
Isn’t God funny sometimes? The idea of building a stifling sheet-covered fort was the last thing I wanted, but in the moment of hard, He met me in my pretend tent of thanksgiving. He let a song begin to play that gave rythym & words to my secret inside getaway with God.
Psalm 50 promises that giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors God! If we keep to His path, He promises to rescue us.💕
Building a fort with God might be a nap, a walk, an actual get away from home, but it can also be a “build a fort in my heart moment”, where we stick to His path simply by giving thanks.
I thank God!
September 6th One Year Bible Readings
💡Song of Solomon1:1-4:16
💡2 Corinthians 8:16-24
💡Psalm 50:1-23
💡Proverbs 22:22-23