This AM when I read how God reveals Himself to Moses as Yahweh, I smiled & thought, “I want you (readers) to know my Yahweh🤗).
God revealed Himself as El Shaddai to Moses’s forefathers, but it is at this poignant page in history that He introduces Himself as The Self Existent & Eternal One.
At the very moment when His people were in desperate need of rescue, He steps into the scene not only as God Almighty, but as a relational God who loves them SO much that He introduces Himself with a name not yet revealed…the great I AM!
In this hour of great need, when the generations of living under Egyptian slavery had taken its toll, He steps in & declares the most powerful & profound thing.
Before I share His words, I encourage you to pause & ask,
❓What’s MY Egypt?
❓Is there an area in my life where I feel bound with chains?
❓Where is freedom lacking?
❓Where do I need the great I AM to move?
It may be a relationship, finances, a poor habit, a physical ailment, an emotional trauma, a situational struggle…whatever it may be, let me introduce you to Yahweh…Today He declares,
“I am the Lord.
I will free you from your oppression & will rescue you from your slavery in Egypt.
I will redeem you with a powerful arm & great acts of judgment.
I will proclaim you as my own people & I will be your God then you will know that I am the Lord your God who is free due from oppression in Egypt.
I will bring you into the land I swore to give Abraham Isaac & Jacob.
I will give it to you as your very own possession. I am the Lord!”
Yahweh, step into our “Egypt” as our Eternal Unchanging One Who always keeps Your covenant! Free us from the oppression we face (or allow) & rescue us with Your strong arm!
We seek You not only as God & Savior, but as our LORD. We place all the trinkets we cling to at Your feet…our will, our ways, our attitudes, our priorities, our finances, our relationships…all of it! Remove the pronoun “our” & make it all Yours.
Yahweh, we fix our gaze on You & choose to make room for You to do what only You can do-to come as our Rescuer, Redeemer, Healer & Promise Keeper! As the Self Existent & Eternal One, You will ALWAYS be the Source of all we ever need!
EXODUS 5:22-7:25
MATTHEW 18:21-19:12
PSALM 23:1-6
PROVERBS 5:22-23