Testing can be hard. My son called last week to lament how he didn’t fare too well on a math test. He studied & studied, but felt like the pages before him were written in another language.
Life’s tests can feel like that too-frustrating, unfair & indecipherable at times. My current journal has a list of the tenuous tests of this current season. It’s pretty arduous & includes things like breaking my arm, a snakebite, & waiting several months for God to open a new career door for both Markel & me.
Joseph, a Hebrew boy, had a dream when he was young that took a LONG time to come to fruition. He walked through slavery, fetters & chains until he finally arrived to the place of fulfillment.
Psalm 105:19 describes the “why“ behind that prolonged season of waiting as this:
“Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.”
The word “tested” comes from a root word that means, “to smelt or refine”. A silversmith heats up the blazing fire so the impurities in the metal rise to be skimmed off the top, leaving a pure & unmixed product.
I don’t know about you, but when the fires of life rise, all I want to do is run for water! Fires are not fun; the purity & new life that surfaces on the other side, however, is priceless!
Just yesterday, Markel & I received separate offer letters from a company that couldn’t have been a better fit if we had tailor-written them ourselves!
The Lord took us out of work & gave us a 3-month Sabbath of testing, where we have grown close to Him & each other. I wouldn’t wish the wait or hard things upon anyone, but I’m glad we didn’t run for water because we would’ve missed out on the incredible intimacy with our faithful Father! 😉
Father, we praise you for dark valleys of testing because they remind us of our need of You! Help us endure the heat & not circumvent or prolong the refining time by running for water! In fact, turn it up & burn off the unnecessary dross that keeps us from all that You have in store for our future!
Thank you for leading us SAFELY even when it feels like we are traversing a testing season lacking safety. You are our faithful Father who truly knows what’s best & we trust You!
💡EZEKIEL 10:1-11:25
💡HEBREWS 6:1-20
💡PSALM 105:16-36
💡PROVERBS 27:1-2