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The Power of UNforgiveness Short-circuits Our Ability to Move Mountains

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

Last Saturday I clicked the switch to turn on my closet light & when I did, an entire portion of the house lost power. My husband went to the breaker box & sure enough, the switch had been tripped. He turned it on, the lights came on, but the moment I turned on the closet light, it all went black again. The breaker box had a flashing red light as something in the circuitry was not connecting.

This is the visual that surfaced as I heard Pastor Carter Conlon speak Saturday about the link between powerful prayers & forgiveness. He described forgiveness as the firm foundation of mountain moving faith.

When Jesus gives final instructions to His disciples, He reminds them that He’s been given 

ALL authority in heaven and earth & as His followers, they are to go & do as He did!

ALL authority is given to believers, & yet, we short circuit the Holy Spirit‘s power when we allow unforgiveness in our hearts.

Jesus promsies that anyone who believes in Him will do works even greater than He - & He healed the sick, resurrected the dead, gave sight to the blind & sound to the deaf!

Mark 11:22 tells us that whosoever can pray whatsoever about the mountain they are facing & it will move! But we can’t move mountains when we carry a mountain (or even a molehill) of unforgiveness.

On Saturday, when the circuitry seemed haywire, my husband decided to try a different approach. He turned on the closet light switch BEFORE he reset the circuit & voila! It came on along with all of the other lights! The red flashing light disappeared & all of the connections worked as they should!

So it is with unforgivenes…it limits us, hinders us from experiencing the powerJesus intended when He gave us all authority. We must 1st take authority over our own hearts before we can minister unto others.

Father, we don’t want to deadlock the power of the Holy Spirit by holding onto unforgiveness like it’s a dear friend. Let us ask, receive & offer forgiveness to whomever You bring to mind (even if it’s self!) TODAY! Let not another day go by where that hidden sin short-circuits the Holy Spirit’s power in our lives! We want to “go” unhindered with the sole aim to spend our life in co-mission with You!

EXODUS 37:1-38:31

MATTHEW 28:1-20

PSALM 34:11-22



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