The other day my son asked my thoughts about using melatonin as a sleep aid.
I thought it funny that he asked because just the week prior, I kept awakening & strategizing how to fix things-relationally in our family & task-wise in my job. It had been going on for a while so I decided to take some melatonin to stop the midnight strategizing.
The problem with melatonin usage, however, is that it can cause crazy dreams (of which I’m super susceptible) & it’s not meant for long-term use.
Today when I read Psalm 3, written by David about his time hiding from his son Absalom, I was surprised by something.
His son forcefully overtakes the throne & pursues his father for the sole purpose of killing him.
David has a mighty army with a litany of valiant victories, but he flees with hopes that his rebellious son would repent. As David lays in hiding with no melatonin in reach, he does something extraordinary: He sleeps!
His entire kingdom is being overthrown by his own son & yet he sleeps!
He writes,
• You, O LORD, are a shield around me
• You are the one who holds my head high
• I cried out to the LORD, & he answered me
• I lay down & slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me
This mighty man of God had faced many perilous moments, but running for his life from his own son was a first.
And yet? He turns to The One Who is his Shield, the Lord who holds his head while he sleeps.
Isn’t that a beautiful visual? When my guys were little, there was nothing more tender than when they’d fall asleep on my shoulder.
That’s what the Father desires for us! That we would turn to Him, lay our boulders of care at His feet, then crawl up into His lap, confident of His care, knowing that He has, is & will continue to watch over us while we sleep.
Father, thank You melatonin that helps sleep & thank You more for the miraculous kinda melatonin that’s produced from Your Presence. May we turn to The One Who watches over us while we sleep, dropping our burdens at Your feet & taking our thoughts captive while we nestle into Your shoulder. Let us awaken like David after a long nights sleep, & proclaim, “I am not afraid, for victory comes from You, O Lord.”
💡GENESIS 5:1-7:24
💡MATTHEW 3:7-4:11
💡PSALM 3:1-8
💡PROVERBS 1:10-19