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There’s No Need to Fear the Middle Moments When We Personally Know “The Last”

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

If we were reading a book or watching a movie & knew beforehand the beginning & the end, the middle parts wouldn’t matter as much because we’d be certain of the outcome.

I was reminded 2xs today that Jesus IS the Alpha & Omega. He IS the First & the Last, Beginning & End.

He is the One Who IS, WAS & IS STILL to come-the Almighty One!

The life we’re granted this side of heaven is filled with twists & turns, oftentimes better & sometimes more harrowing or sorrowful than any movie we’ve seen. I’m kinda comforted that we will never fully comprehend the meaning of the mystery until we reach our last day & finally get to meet our Maker!

John wrote about His face to face encounter with Jesus in the book of Revelation. The visual is so stunning that John falls to his face as if he were dead!

As I read what happens next, it felt like a beautiful reminder worth repeating. When all seems lost &  we feel as if we could fall to our knees dead, our Savior sees us! And not only does He see us, He lays His right hand upon us, just like He did John, & tenderly whispers the very same words:

“Don’t be afraid! I am the First & the Last. I am the living one. I died, but look-I am alive forever & ever! I hold the keys of death & the grave.”

From the moment we are born until the very last, when we face the grave, we can be confident of this: the annals of our lives are penned by our personal Savior Who died for us so that we need not fear the end! He holds the keys that unlock death-this side of heaven AND the other!

If we are lacking life in any area this morning, our Alpha & Omega holds the keys to life! He conquered death so that we might too! 👉🏽sadness, depression, hopelessness, bitterness,  anger, unforgiveness...He can free us from all death here on earth as He will in heaven!

Father, thank You that Your Word sustains the weary. We praise you for penning each part of our lives while also giving us the freedom to follow-or not! It’s such a mystery to me!

Even though we might be walking through murky, middle-moments, we can be confident that our Omega Who conquered death IS the last part of our story on earth while our Alpha ushers us into life eternal!

💡JOEL 1:1-3:21


💡PSALM 128:1-6



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~ Hans Hofmann

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