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  • Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

Walking in Wisdom | The Civic Responsibility of Shaping our Nation

This morning, when I read Proverbs 28:2, my heart sank a bit. It says,

“When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily.😳 But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.”

I don’t know about you, but it feels like there’s a whole lotta moral rot in our world.

As I pondered the 2nd half of the Proverb, however, I was reminded of the “why” behind our desire to start a school.

The vision of Legacy was to launch mission-minded student leaders who would shape culture. What we knew was that our children would either shape culture or be shaped by it.

We wanted to provide a place that would wield the strategy of a school setting to equip student leaders who’d create a ripple effect of cultural change in whatever sphere of influence they were called.

There are seven mountains of influence: religion, family, education, business, government, media and arts & entertainment.

The premise is this: How they go, is how culture goes.

Regardless of our career place, we all land on one of these mountains. We are all leaders in our own right & we have a civic responsibility to walk in wisdom & knowledge because when we do, we bring stability to our nation! 

Knowledge is good, but it’s a bunch of dead facts without wisdom! Wisdom is the right use or application of knowledge.

Can a person truly become wise, however, without knowing Jesus?

We can become SMART, but there’s a vast difference between being smart & walking in wisdom!

Walking in wisdom requires a personal relationship with Jesus & a daily washing of ourselves with His Word! It becomes very difficult to discern the difference between worldly “wisdom” & Divine wisdom unless we set our minds apart through consistent time with Christ, The Word!

Father, Your Word is the only word that is trustworthy & the very foundation of ALL wisdom! It helps us apply knowledge in a right manner! Help us make time with You & Your Word a priority. We’ve no right to bark about what’s happening in our nation unless we’re all doing our part to grow in the knowledge & wisdom of knowing You! Show us how to wield our positions in culture to stabilize & shape IT, so that our families will not be shaped BY it!

💡EZEKIEL 39:1-40:27

💡JAMES 2:18-3:18

💡PSALM 118:1-18



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