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  • Writer's picture~Kimberly Oden

What am I Deliberately Touching & How Will it Impact my Life?

“Someone deliberately touched me.” 

Jesus said that as throngs of people press in around Him.  They’d been waiting with great anticipation for this man who could perform mighty miracles. As He made way to heal a girl who lay on her deathbed, He stops.

MANY people were touching Him, but only one DELIBERATELY touched Him.

How did He know?

Because, He says, “I felt healing power go out from me.”

The word for “touch” is worth understanding. It’s a dynamic definition that carries far more meaning than any of us have been taught, because it encompasses what happens AFTER the touch!

Háptomai Is the root word  & the simple definition means, “touch that influences.” The longer version says, “touching something or someone in such a way that it alters, changes or modified them.

There was a woman in that crowd that had bled for 12 years & couldn’t find a cure. It kept her in a constant state of “unclean”. The passage doesn’t tell us her thoughts, but it does tell us that she came up behind Him & touched the fringe of His robe. And when she did? The bleeding immediately stopped!

I wonder if she thought, “If I can JUST touch His robe, maybe then I’ll be healed…”  She had been hoping for healing for many years, but now she hopes on the help of this man she’d probably never met.

Y’all, there are many things that we touch throughout the day, many things that vie for our full attention, but here’s a question to ponder:

What am I deliberately touching that will have a transformational impact on my life & on the lives of those around me?

Do I have the faith of the bleeding woman? 

All it takes is faith & just one touch.

Father, there is so much that “touches” our lives each day & sometimes changes or influences us towards the wrong direction.

Jesus, You are Emmanuel, our ever-with-us God! So often, however, we can be just like the crowds of people who surrounded You, forgetting that we can stop & deliberately touch the hem of Your robe in faith to experience sudden & immediate transformation!

Sharpen our minds to remember the power that is in You! Power to heal bodies, marriages, emotions, finances & relationships…with just one touch!

DEUTERONOMY 13:1-15:23

LUKE 8:40-9:6

PSALM 71:1-24



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