What specific needs are you facing today? If you could take a minute & jot them down, what are the top three? That’s how I started my day as I awakened early with very tangible needs weighing like a blanket on my heart, not to give airtime to negativity, but to bring the dark things into the Light, asking God to reveal Himself as my Answer to the hard things ahead.
I cannot imagine life without The Word. Starting each day reading the Bible is like a jumpstart to our batteries of faith! As a read today, worrisome thoughts kept bullying their way into my reading, so much so that I ended up reading my One Year Bible out loud to crowd them out!
It wasn’t until Psalm 145:13 that I paused. It’s a promise that gives way for praise even when a pity party feels in order 😂
David writes, “The Lord always keeps his promises; he’s gracious in all he does.”
When I think of all of God’s promises there’s one that covers them all in my book & that’s when He says,
“I AM.”
For every single need we face, there is a corresponding name or attribute of God that meets, addresses & fulfills it, we just sometimes need reminders, & sometimes those reminders come in the way of a need 😉
Father, thank You that You are our
👉🏽Adequacy for our inadequacy
👉🏽Burden bearer when we’re bent beneath our loads
👉🏽Door when there seems to be no way forward
👉🏽Healer when we need healing
👉🏽Provider when we need provision
👉🏽Peace when none can be found
👉🏽Sure Foundation when everything is shaking
👉🏽Amen when we need You to be the last Word on a matter far too great for us to understand.
Thank You for using needs to remind us of our need of You, for You alone meet each & every one.
May we only glance at our needs, but fix our gaze firmly on You, God, the Quieter of our storm, our Source of Wisdom & Way Who makes a path forward.
You promise to keep Your Word, so we take You at your Word tpray & await with eager expectation for You to reveal Yourself as our gracious Father who meets every one of our needs.
2 KINGS 10:32-12:21
ACTS 18:1-22
PSALM 145:1-21