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When God Guides, He Provides

A song played this morning during my workout that brought me back to a former time. The lyrics cry,

Sometimes my very best

Is only my weakest yes.

Baby steps & short breaths

Anything is progress

You sustain my every moment.

This song, “Oxygen”, was on repeat years ago during a hard season of sifting. In the midst of it, my friend Suzanne gave me a little sign that proclaims, “When God Guides, He Provides.”

I hung it in a prominent place in my home as a constant reminder of His provision.

Now, a decade later, I find myself in a similar sifting season. I still have that little sign in my living room along with a jar filled with stalks of wheat. They remind me of that season when I felt like I was being sifted like wheat. I could barely catch my was a time when my very best was only my weakest yes.

The Old Testament reading & the Psalm for today both use the phrase, “deep distress.” The “why” behind the distress had to do with sin in one instant, & with unfounded slander in another. I can relate to both - deep distress from sin & slander.

Many of my close friends are aware that Markel lost his job a few weeks back due, in short, to apparently using the wrong pronoun. A biological female employee, who identifies as binary, claimed that he misgendered by using “she” instead of “they” or “them”... Slander can feel like a coward’s way of revenge..😕

👆🏽That, along with a litany of many ditties that have unfolded since May, feels like a lot...but as I sit here & look at my wheat stalks & little sign, I am reminded of the former season of sifting & how God did indeed provide!

Sometimes our very best is simply our weakest “yes” to following Him into whatever’s next, even when it feels unfair.

Thank You, Father, that when we feel deep distress & things feel like they are going from bad to worse, we can take a baby step in your direction, knowing that You will sustain our every moment when we place our hope in You alone! Thank You that You are Lord & have, are & will continue to provide in ways unfathomable! Use the hard things to remind us, like Manasseh, that You alone are our Lord & God!

August 2nd One Year Bible Readings 2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13 Romans 15:23-16:9 Psalm 25:16-22 Proverbs 20:16-18


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