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When Things Feel Shaky

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

This week my friend & I just finished teaching a parenting class on Proverbs 22:6 => “Train up a child in the way he should go…” We’ve taught it several times, but as we focused on the word “should”, I had many thoughts. Suzanne said, “Just because our child “should” go, doesn’t mean they will.”

We as parents want to train our children to “go” fully prepared with bags packed full of knowledge & experience of who they are & Whose they are, so wisdom will guide them as they go.

But what happens when their will supersedes the “should”?  On a grander scale, what happens when any of our wills override the perfect plan God intends?

David writes about this in Psalm 33 reminding us, “The Lord’s plans stand firm forever & His intentions can never be shaken.”

This Truth can be so hard to comprehend, right? Unlike our will that can be subject to our mind & emotions, His will is unwavering. His plan is steadfast. This verse proclaims that nobody & no thing can alter, edit, affect or modify what He has in store.

This Is hard to reconcile when hard things happen, or when our children choose their way over God’s. Sometimes when it seems like we are subject to people’s will (& affected by it) more than God’s, we can feel hopeless.

I don’t have a pretty bow for this post. No cute phrase to fan the flame of faith. What I DO have is God’s Word. If He said it, I believe it.

If He says that His intentions can NEVER be shaken, then whatever is shaking in my life right now must be His intention.

No change in circumstances can change His plan. No attack from the enemy can defeat it & no will of mine (or my children’s) can supersede it.

I often wonder if God just shakes His head in wonder as we wander far from His Way 🤗 The moments when hard things happen or when God seems to hide Himself, just might be part of His divine plan to woo us back to His perfect path.

He loves us enough to let us go our own way, & He loves us all the more to MAKE a Way back to Him!

Father, thank You for the comfort of knowing Your plans are unshakable. Things feel shaky for many right now. Steady our hearts as we steady our gaze on You, praising You that Your intentions shall NEVER be shaken!

February 11th One Year Bible Readings EXODUS 32:1-33:23 MATTHEW 26:69-27:14 PSALM 33:1-11 PROVERBS 8:33-36


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~ Hans Hofmann

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