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You Are God's Building

Writer's picture: ~Kimberly Oden~Kimberly Oden

There are a few things that I’m passionate about - I’d say the top two are

👉🏽Reading God’s Word daily

👉🏽Treating my body as His temple

I feel kinda funny typing that as I want my family to be first, but what I’ve learned to be true is that if I’m not washing myself in the Word of God, selfish Kimberly will wound those in close proximity.

I also know that my body is like a vehicle that provides the means & matter to love & minister to others, so if I’m not caring for it well, then it will break down & limit my ability to love with His love!

“You are God’s building.”

👆🏽That’s what Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:9.

I love his seeming exasperation when he exhorts us by saying,

“Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God & that the Spirit of God lives in you?God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy & you are that temple.”

Let that sink in...if it feels heavy, well, that’s because it is. This Truth carries such weighty implications that can quickly fade to the background as I walk through my day.

When I process whether or not I will eat something, my first thought is whether this will fuel my engine or cause it to sputter and fail. It’s not that I can’t enjoy a yummy dessert, but I know that I’ll fall into a carb coma for a bit afterwards, limiting my ability to operate on all four cylinders 😴

If my body is a holy & sacred place for my King, what filters do I use to guard what comes inside- through my eyes, ears, nose, skin & mouth? Music, movies, social media, food, drink, perfumes, lotions...all have an impact on our bodies-to what extent is it my responsibility to limit my body’s exposure to toxic things? We have freedom AND we have responsibility to be a gatekeeper over what comes into the Temple of our Living God.

We need be just as vigilant for what comes out - if He resides inside of not just me, but also in those around me, do my actions & words (written & spoken) reflect Him?

This doesn’t feel like a fun post but it is vital & necessary to be reminded of the responsibility we carry as gatekeepers of the Temple. Honestly, I think I could benefit from hearing daily that food is not entertainment, but rather medicine for our well-being. We are God’s holy building.

We can only be made holy through the salvation of Jesus. He lived a sinless life & died for all of ours. When we accept Him as Savior, His Lordship & counsel of the Holy Spirit will guide us as gatekeepers. His voice is still & small, but if we listen, He speaks even unto seemingly insignificant daily decisions that we face.

Father, give us ears to hear your wisdom whispers & eyes to see the best way forward. counsel us to become gatekeepers of your temple so that we might be fully available for You to do what You do through us! We are thankful to be your building!

August 7th One Year Bible Readings Ezra 4:24-6:22 1 Corinthians 3:5-23 Psalm 29:1-11 Proverbs 20:26-27


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